Your Energy

Gloria DeGaetanoThought-Poems

Your energy, or inner chi—if you prefer—makes everything possible.

All completions and beginnings depend on it. 

Energy renewed means a vibrant living; energy not restored leads to a slow decaying. Dissuaded, defeated, we succumb more quickly to any little annoyance or long-term pain that passes our way. 

Without the necessary energy all onslaughts win. Mind, Body, and Spirit, disadvantaged and dis-engaged will not, and cannot, transcend suffering.

Energy, the mightiest of gifts must be protected at all times—especially from these three thieves:

The thief of time—not enough of it to re-gain and re-instate lost energy. 

The thief of work or “has-to’s”—distracting from breath and movement that returns energy.

The thief of others’ needs—more important than ours, we think. Yet we cannot attend to beloveds without the energy to do so.

Your energy, or inner chi—if you prefer—makes everything possible.

All completions and beginnings depend on it. 

Not to be taken for granted, for even a second, energy is the Life Force we share with atoms and universes; earth and water, even ghosts, all creatures here and gone—every single life form that ever was and ever will be. 

Is it Light, this Life Force? We meditate, visualize Light and urge it to make the dark places in us and around us do-able—live-able. Healing Energy for Healed Living lighting our way.

Your energy, or inner chi—if you prefer—makes everything possible.All completions and beginnings depend on it. 

Copyright, 2022. Gloria DeGaetano. All rights reserved.