What is Your Path to a Higher Purpose?

Gloria DeGaetanoThought-Poems, Uncategorized

stillness path

First of all…What is a Higher Purpose?

Is it a determination to help out, whether it’s walking your neighbor’s dog when he broke his leg—your neighbor, not the dog…or something grand like crusading on behalf of the homeless and securing shelter for each and every one in your city?

Is it a bunch of small things every day or a laser-focused Big Thing once in a lifetime—or a combination of both?

Or can a Higher Purpose be so much humbler and humbling like getting out of bed in the morning when your children are ill and you’re feeling like hell yourself, yet your purpose-driven spirit springs into action to make this day that much better for a child with a fever or an allergic reaction or a tantrum because Dad has been gone now for 27 days, 4 hours and 21 seconds and there’s nothing else you can do about it.

And another point, why is it called “higher?”  Higher than what? 

 “Lower has its place.” Lowering expectations, lowering the price of gas, the cost of food—all seem commendable higher purposes these days.

I guess the path we walk on, or run on, or swim or fly through to that “higher purpose” changes frequently with each day and the seasons. 

Maybe it doesn’t matter what this path is or even where it leads. 

Maybe that we know we are on it is all that matters?

Copyright, Gloria DeGaetano, 2022. All rights reserved.