I Met a Witch on My Walk Today

Gloria DeGaetanoThought-Poems

I met a witch on my walk today.

Not in costume—the real thing.

Her long, gray hair glinted in the sun. I noticed the grooves on her face as she came closer.

“What is that stone? It’s a new one on me.” She demanded, seemingly mad at herself for not knowing.

I quickly, protectively, held the black stone that swayed around my neck, seeming puzzled itself by her abrupt question. 

I told her. “It’s supposed to protect me from EMF’s, I stammered…” not quite afraid, but not courageous either as I looked into her piercing witch eyes.  Then they softened…

“Your energy is fine, very clear, my dear—lots of light….”

Shaken, I tried to be casual, “Well that’s good to know…I’ve been eating healthier these days…”

She grinned, “It’s so much more than that, And. You. Know. It.” Slowly punctuating those last four words so I would understand her meaning.  

She hurried off. I stood still, stammered, “Thank You,” But she didn’t recognize it if she heard it. 

On my way back, I saw her again, walking past me, no words this time, a slight smile, a witch wave with both hands, almost a bow.

I swear she was elevated above the path, moving freely with the crisp breeze…

Or was that just me?

Copyright 2022. Gloria DeGaetano, All rights reserved.