Fly Inward

Gloria DeGaetanoClarity

The easy way out

Is the most difficult way in… 

The quick resolve brings quick release.…but what then? 

What is the texture of this “answer?” How does it shape the soul? 

What is learned about capacity to endure with effortless solution?

Can wisdom be recognized in the rush to immediate, probably counterfeit, certainty? 

The easy way out 

Is the most difficult path in….

Rather, move to the still center so the edges become invisible, forgotten. 

Now, no longer seeking escape, surety, too, becomes a lost memory.

The thick stew of struggle inevitably will bring immobilization. Feel that weight, perhaps even welcome the quick-sand inertness, and without panic, let the realization dawn: 

“There is now only one direction to take—Inward.” 

So, fly inward, rousingly, eagerly, with confidence. And glide calmly. 

Welcome nothingness, knowing the inward path initiates the most ease-full way out.

When you alight to the depths, also known as rock bottom, you arrive at the Pillar of Self. 

Lean on it. Allow its sturdiness to support you. 




Soon you will find what you seeking, and most likely, more than you thought you needed.

Copyright, Gloria DeGaetano, 2022. All rights reserved.