
Gloria DeGaetano, M.ED

Coach | Speaker | Author
Founder and CEO, Parent Coaching Institute

Your Coach and C.E.O. (Creative Energy Orchestrator)
Because YOU are the C.E.O. of Your Family

I Understand Your Worries.

I care deeply that you parent with the joy and ease you truly deserve. As the leader of your family and model for your children, your optimal performance is imperative. (No pressure, right?)

I Know What You’re Up Against.

Parenting Challenges Us All at One Time or Another.



You may be feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or discouraged right now. You may have tried a lot of different things and they haven’t worked out as planned. I totally understand. Being a mother was my hardest job. I started the parent coaching profession in 2000 with the Parent Coaching Institute, in part, because as a single mom, I sure could have used one! As a veteran parent educator, I realized that parent coaching is the best way ensure long-term positive changes. Placed at your disposal is the parent coaching model I developed after decades of experience and years of careful thought.

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Our Media/Digital Age Makes Parenting Harder Than Ever.

This is where the text for the front of your card should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.


OK, that's probably an understatement. You may be telling yourself, “I have to do something about my kid’s digital life.” And at the same time, you may be stymied to create a workable plan. That’s understandable. You are in a complex system with the deck stacked against you. There are fewer precedents with more challenges than ever. I’ve been gnawing on best practices for parenting well in our screen-machine age since 1987. It’s not about throwing out the devices. It’s all about aligning parenting decisions with your aspirations and values—no matter what. I know how to help you do that.

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Develop Fresh Parenting Practices That Work.

My coaching is your affordable solution to create the life you want for you and your family. You will know how to orchestrate, to your advantage, all that creativity swirling within and around you. You will gain more clarity and relaxed confidence. You will be energized, inspired, and delighted as you achieve the results you want. Count on it!

Ready? Then Let’s Go.

If you’re ready to unleash your C.E.O. abilities to optimal capacity,
I invite you to contact me, 425-449-8877,
for a 30 minute, no cost, no obligation consultation.

Learn How I Can Help You

Where I’ve Been!